Thursday, October 31, 2019

Environmental Kuznets Curve Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Environmental Kuznets Curve - Essay Example On the other end of the continuum, economists advocate that progress in technology along with sustainability of natural resources would lead to little reliance on natural environmental resources; thus, economic growth ought to be there (Beckerman, 1992). As noted by (Shafik, 1994), empirical evidence was lacking to support either of the above two arguments. Furthermore, much difficulty was faced in operationally defining the dimensions of environmental quality. Although no single parameter can be used to define environmental quality, a combination of parameters has been developed for environmental deprivation in order to demonstrate the effect of economic growth on the quality of environment. Amongst one of the first studies conducted in this regard were those of the World Development Report. As shown in Appendix 1, some dimensions of environmental deprivation (including emissions of carbon dioxide and solid waste pollution) are highly correlated with income, meaning that they increa se as income increases; in other words, in terms of these dimensions, economic growth has a negative effect on environment. Others (including lack of safe drinking water and sanitation facilities) tend to decrease as income increases, implying that economic growth can be used as an instrument for enhancing quality of environment. ... Firstly, growth is demonstrated to have what is called a â€Å"scale impact† on environment; that is, the larger the size of economic activity the larger the rate of environmental degradation (Grossman, 1995). This is due to the fact that an increase in income is the product of increasing factor inputs and natural resources of which waste and environmental degradation is a by-product (Grossman, 1995). Secondly, the positive effect on environment of economic growth is what is known as the â€Å"composition effect†; that is, as income increases, structural economic changes tend to increase the proportion of environmentally friendly practices in the economy (Grossman, 1995). Thus, as per the combination of these two effects, environmental quality tends to go down due to structural economic changes in the economy that is in transition from rural to urban and from agricultural to a largely industrial structure but starts to improve as the economy undergoes a second structura l change from heavy industrial processes to technology-intensive ones (Panayotou, 1993). Finally, the technological advancement that accompanies economic growth and the resulting increased expenditure on research and development leads to the adoption of cleaner, environmentally friendly technology which enhances the environmental quality. This is termed as the â€Å"technique effect† (Grossman, 1995). As the Environmental Kuznets Curve suggests, the inverted U relationship between quality of environment and economic growth implies that the harmful impact on environment ( as per the scale effect) is explicit during the early phases of growth but is ultimately offset by the positive effects of the other two effects ( composition and technique) in the later stages. It is here that the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Tet Offensive through the strategic eyes of the Viet Cong and Research Paper

The Tet Offensive through the strategic eyes of the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese - Research Paper Example However, the communist north decided to stage an offensive in what came to be regarded as the biggest attacks ever, since the Vietnamese war began. During this attack, the communists attacked major towns of the South to a tune of more than 100 towns, including the southern capital, while also spreading the attacks to over 36 provincial capitals of the south, using a brigade of more than 80,000 troops (Donaldson, 161). Despite the South Vietnamese and the USA army being caught by surprise, they responded to the offensive and eventually overcame the communists, although the whole scenario took two more months, with the worst occasion being the Battle of Hue, where the whole of the city was destroyed and thousands of residents, to a tune of 7600 executed by the communists, in what came to be referred as the Hue massacre (Collins, 42). There are three main aspects that have made the Tet Offensive stand out, in the whole episode of the Vietnamese war. First, the Tet offensive was launched by the North Vietnam against South Vietnam by surprise, allowing the communists to inflict more damage on the South, on the initial face of the offensive. Secondly, the offensive stands out as the largest military operation that was ever conducted by either the north or the south in the Vietnamese war. Thirdly, it stands out as the worst attack on the civilians, since the offensive did not only aim at the Southern Vietnamese and the USA armies, but also extended its attacks to the civilian command and control centers throughout South Vietnam, culminating with the horrific Hue massacre that left over 7000 civilians dead (Anderson, 183). Such a massive attack operation could not have just come on board, without efficient and effective planning and execution of the attacks. The Tet Offensive occurred at a time when the pressure was mounting on the USA military and government to consider dropping its involvement in the Vietnamese war, considering that close to 45% of the Americans beli eved that the war was not worth being pursued, mainly due to the losses it had inflicted on the USA, in terms of the number of the casualties of its soldiers, the increment in taxation to the citizens, and the lack of a slightest indication that the war was coming to an end (Robbins, 12). With such disgruntling within the public, and even some sections of the government and intelligence, the military command needed to act decisively in bringing the whole issue to a halt. The USA military command therefore reacted by mounting the success offensive in 1967, where it sought to assert to the public that the USA would win the war, and brings it to a speedy end. This was achieved through media propaganda where the army generals misled the American public on the capabilities of the Northern Vietnamese Army and the Viet Cong, by asserting that they were losing ground and therefore were not in a position to launch any major attack. To curb it all, and give more confidence to the people, the US army General called on the communists to try something, because the USA was actually looking for a fight (Donaldson, 155). Therefore, the anti-war sentiments by the American public, coupled by the underestimation of the communists ability

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Relationship Between a Conductors Length and Wire

Relationship Between a Conductors Length and Wire Electricity has become very useful and has changed everyones life since the day it was discovered. What is Conductivity? What is Resistance? What is the best conductor of electricity? What is Nichrome Wire? There are many factors that influence the electrical resistance in wires, going through a current in circuits. The length of the wire and the cross-sectional area are two very important variables. The flow of charge through wires is often compared to the flow of water through pipes. The resistance to the flow of charge in an electric circuit is analogous to the frictional effects between water and the pipe surfaces as well as the resistance offered by obstacles that are present in its path (The Physics classroom,2016) The total length of the wires will affect the amount of resistance. The longer the wire, the more resistance that there will be. There is a direct relationship between the amount of resistance encountered by charge and the length of wire it must traverse. After all, if resistance occurs as the result of collisions between charge carriers and the atoms of the wire, then there is likely to be more collisions in a longer wire. More collisions mean more resistance. The cross-sectional area of the wires will affect the amount of resistance. Wider wires have a greater cross-sectional area. Water will flow through a wider pipe at a higher rate than it will flow through a narrow pipe. This can be attributed to the lower amount of resistance that is present in the wider pipe. (The Physics classroom,2016) In the same manner, the wider the wire, the less resistance that there will be to the flow of electric charge. When all other variables are the same, charge will flow at higher rates through wider wires with greater cross-sectional areas than through thinner wires.[AR3] Another formula that will be used is the resistance formula which will   Ã‚   (Physicsclassroom, 2016) To work out the cross-sectional area of the wire, the formula The wire that will be used in the experiment is nichrome 30 wire which has a radius of 0.000125m and also nichrome 22 wire, with a radius of 0.0346mm [AR4](3.46e-5m) Ohms law deals with the relationship between voltage, current and resistance. Voltage is the difference in electrical potential energy. For example, if you have a simple circuit with a battery powering a lamp, the electrons will move from the negative side of the battery, through the lamp and then to the positive side. The voltage or the difference in electrical potential energy, between the positive and negative ends of the battery would be the amount labelled on the battery because the charge was used to move the electron around the circuit. A good analogy for voltage is a waterfall. The water at the top of the waterfall is similar to the negatively charged electrons and the water at the bottom of fall is similar to the discharged electrons. As the water flows from the top of the fall to the bottom it loses all of it gravitational potential energy just like the electrons losing their charge when they travel around the circuit. Current is the total amount of charge passing through a conductor over a period of time. The water analogy for current would be how fast the water is flowing or how much water is passing through a bit of river over a period of time. [AR5](Crash Course, 2016) Ohms law can be summarised with (Hyperphysics, 2016) Since the results of the experiment will be recorded using a voltmeter and ammeter, the resistance will have to be calculated using ohms law re-arranged   Ã‚   (Hyperphysics, 2016) Resistivity P (Ohm M) = and a resistivity coefficient 1.1010-6à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦m to 1.5010-6à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦m at 20 °C so this figure will be used in the resistance formula [AR6](Elert, 2016)   Change of conductor length [AR7] 4.481[AR8] Change of conductor cross sectional area R= 3.00 R= 6.00 Lengths of conductor Resistance wire area of Resistance wire area of 3.46e-5m 0.2 4.481 3.000 0.4 8.964 6.000 0.6 13.44 9.011 0.8 17.92 12.015 1 22.4 15.019 This process was repeated for all figures/ conductor cross sectional area and the following graph and tables gives the result[AR9] Figure 1 The graph above shows the resistance when the wire cross sectional area is at 3.46e-5m, while the length of the wire/ conductor changes The above research prompts the following hypothesis: If the length of an electrical conductor increases, then the conductors resistance will increase[AR10], if the cross-sectional area increases, then the resistance will increase because resistance occurs due to charge carriers and the atoms of the wire colliding, longer wire, more collisions[AR11][AR12]. Equipment was gathered which included a voltmeter, ammeter, 12v power supply and nichrome wire were all joined together to making a complete circuit[AR14]. Alligator clip leads helped to complete the circuit. Pliers were used to straighten and scissors to cut the wire. 0.20m of nichrome wire was put into the circuit and was taped to the metre ruler to keep the wire as straight as possible so the length can be measured as accurate as possible. The length of varied, the wire went up by 0.20m intervals all the way up too 1.20m, starting from 0.20 Figure 3: Self Drawn, Word [AR15] The voltmeter was in parallel to the exposed nichrome wire because it measured the energy difference between two points. If it was connected in series it would barley measure anything because the energy difference would be so insignificant. The ammeter measured the current passing through the wire. If it was connected in parallel, it would not be measuring the current through the nichrome wire. A light bulb was used to consume the energy to avoid a short circuit[AR16]. The independent variable was the length of the exposed nichrome wire. The dependent variable was the electrical resistance of the wire. The controlled variables included wire thickness, material, temperature, as these are all known variables that effect resistance, same equipment because small differences in calibration will affect their readings, same people doing the same jobs so that everything thing is done in the same way each time, same circuit/configuration as to not produce inconsistencies. This experiment was hazardous, injury was avoided as precautions were taken. All sharp objects such as scissors and pliers were used with caution to avoid cuts and pinches. Eye protection was used when cutting to avoid pieces of wire flying into eyes. Electrocution was avoided by having dry hands and only modifying the circuit when the power supply was off.[AR17] To find Resistance This Formula above was used to find the Resistance Resistance[AR19] coefficent @ 1.1010-6m wire area of 3.46e-5m Wire Length (m) Current Trial 1 (A) Current Trial 2 (A) Current Trial 3[AR20] (A) Average Current Voltage Trial 1 (V) Voltage Trial 2 (V) Voltage Trial 3 (V) Average Voltage (V) Average Resistance(à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦) 0.00 0.088 0.088 0.088 0.0880 0.025 0.032 0.028 0.028 0.318 0.20 0.088 0.087 0.087 0.0875 0.276 0.272 0.264 0.270 3.068 0.40 0.088 0.087 0.087 0.0875 0.523 0.518 0.526 0.523 5.943 0.60 0.088 0.088 0.089 0.0885 0.775 0.772 0.762 0.770 8.75 0.80 0.087 0.084 0.083 0.0855 0.960 0.920 0.950 0.943 10.71 1.00 0.088 0.086 0.087 0.0860 1.120 1.122 1.120 1.120 12.72 1.20 0.088 0.089 0.088 0.0885 1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450 16.47 Resistance coefficent @ 1.1010-6 ¦m @ wire area of Wire Length (m) Current Trial 1 (A) Current Trial 2 (A) Current Trial 3 (A) Average Current Voltage Trial 1 (V) Voltage Trial 2 (V) Voltage Trial 3 (V) Average Voltage (V) Average Resistance(à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦) 0.00 0.088 0.080 0.088 0.0850 0.050 0.056 0.054 0.055 0.625 0.20 0.088 0.088 0.088 0.0880 0.340 0.340 0.340 0.340 3.863 0.40 0.089 0.088 0.088 0.0885 0.599 0.659 0.659 0.659 7.488 0.60 0.088 0.088 0.088 0.0880 0.860 0.910 0.910 0.910 10.34 0.80 0.087 0.087 0.088 0.0875 1.134 1.234 1.233 1.233 14.01 1.00 0.088 0.088 0.088 0.0880 1.340 1.642 1.642 1.642 20.52 1.20 0.088 0.089 0.088 0.0885 1.601 1.601 1.601 1.601 26.008 From the results It is nearly impossible to get perfect results as the independent are not able to be controlled. [AR22] When the wire was at 0.20m, the resistance was 3.865 ÃŽÂ © and when the wire area cross sectional was 3.46e-5m the resistance was 3.068 ÃŽÂ © Knowing that per the original hypothesis that the wider the cross sectional, less resistance. So, when the wire was at 0.20m, it agrees with the hypothesis. Comparing the theoretical data to the actual results when the wire was 3.46e-5m were surprisingly close. Knowing that the result was 3.068 ÃŽÂ © and the theoretical data was 3.00 ÃŽÂ ©.[AR23] When the wire was at 0.40m, the resistance was 7.488 ÃŽÂ © and when the wire area cross sectional was 3.46e-5m the resistance was 5.943 ÃŽÂ ©. Again, agreeing with the hypothesis. The theoretical data was also close the actual result. If the length of an electrical conductor increases, then the conductors resistance will increase was stated in my hypothesis and was supported by the results as the length increased to 0.40m and the end result of the resistance was increased from 3.865 to 7.488 When the wire was at 0.60m, the resistance was 10.34 and when the wire area cross sectional was 3.46e-5m the resistance was 8.75 When the wire was at 0.80m, the resistance was 14.01 and when the wire area cross sectional was 3.46e-5m the resistance was 10.71 When the wire was at 1.00m, the resistance was 20.52 and when the wire area cross sectional was 3.46e-5m the resistance was 12.72 When the wire was at 1.20m, the resistance was 26.008 and when the wire area cross sectional was 3.46e-5m the resistance was 16.47[AR24] There are many possible errors with this experiment Parallax view is the difference of where the objects apparent positioning is, changing due to the change in viewing angle. This may have caused a problem as the ammeter and voltmeter both have needled in front of the scale/numbers. To get the correct numbers while using both these measuring instruments, it was a necessity to read the numbers perpendicular to both the ammeter and voltmeter. The makers of both of these instruments have thought of this and there will often will be a reflective strip below the scale so that the user can line up the real pointer with the pointer reflection so they know that their eye is perpendicular to the surface. Another simpler solution would be to use digital devices that tell you the exact number, leaving out the ability for human error. Whenever a conductor has a current flowing through it, the resistance will generate heat, which then makes the conductor more resistive. In a conductor like nichrome, used in heating elements because of its high resistivity, it takes longer for it to heat up and to reach a resistance that is stable. If the resistance was measured when it wasnt stable, then you would receive results that were lower than the actual value. The obvious solution to this is to wait a little bit after the power supply is turned on so the wire has time to heat up or to use a thermometer to make sure that the wire is the same temperature. [AR26](, 2016) Another error was the length of the wire. Even though the wire was as straight as possible when put into the circuit, there were still slight bends in the nichrome wire making slightly longer than the actually measurement. This would affect the results as instead of the wire being exactly 0.80m; it might be 0.83m, which would be enough to change the resistance total. Another error that I was faced with is, If a wire is bent past its minimum bend radius, the cross-sectional area of the damaged section will be smaller. Because a bent wire has a smaller cross sectional area, its resistance will increase. This applies to the experiment in terms of wire degradation and wire handling. The wires need to be of a consistent cross sectional area, otherwise, the results will inaccurate.[AR27] [AR28] References   Ã‚ (2016). Ohms Law. [online] Available at: (Accessed 5 Mar 17). (2016). Resistance. [online] Available at: (Accessed 5 Mar 17). Pic Wire Cable. (2016). Cable Bend Radius | Coaxial Cable Bend Radius | Triaxial Cable Bend Radius. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Nov. 2016].at: (Accessed 5 Mar 17). Crash Course, (2016). Electric Current: Crash Course Physics #28. [image] Available at: (Accessed 5 Mar 17). (2016). Joules Law of Heating | Electrical4u. [online] Available at: (Accessed 5 Mar 17). [AR1]Put more detail into your abstract. See the document online titled Deadly EEI. They have a whole section abstracts: An abstract is a paragraph, that if read by itself, summarises the project in the least possible words (usually 100 200). It should include the aim, principles/techniques employed and a very brief statement of your results and conclusions. The criteria used will be: The abstract is a clear, concise, accurate representation of the project, linking the main ideas together well without added interpretation or criticism, misunderstandings or unnecessary details. 1.Begin with a topic sentence that is the major thesis (the Aim). 2.Purpose: state the research question and hypotheses 2.Method: the design 3.Results: concisely 4.Conclusions: implications of results. Can be recommendations, evaluations, applications, suggestions, new relationships, and hypotheses accepted or rejected. 5.Other information incidental findings to the main purpose of the document but must not distract attention from main theme. [AR2]Clearly presented. Well chosen subjects. Need more variety of communication methods. Eg tables, graphs, images, diagrams, to support explanation. [AR3]You should discuss the formulae that links the variables for length and cross-sectional area here so your preliminary calculations make better sense. [AR4]How do you calculate area? [AR5]Good analogies. Again, use diagrams to support this. [AR6]= and? [AR7]Make sure you explain whats happening, why this data was chosen, etc. [AR8]Your table isnt clearly labelled. If this is the resistivity of the wire, state as much in the table. Why did you label it as the resistance coefficient? [AR9]This is just the same table. [AR10]Describe the relationship here. Logarithmic? Linear? [AR11]This part just refers to length, not resistance. [AR12]Probably worth a C for your hypothsis. You can increase that by addressing the above points. [AR13]These elements of your method are good, but its incomplete. You never said where you varied the length of the wire, for instance. [AR14]Ensure you have someone proof read your draft before you submit it to pick up grammatical errors and run-on sentences. [AR15]Good use of diagram. [AR16]Good explanation of equipment used. [AR17]Safety issues in detail. Good [AR18]Youll need to graph your results and put it beside your theoretical data for comparison in order to achieve the highest grade here. [AR19]Extensive results. Good. [AR20]This table is missing average current [AR21]Youre just stating the results of the experiment. You should be exploring patterns and trends as well as anomalies. Ie as the diameter increasedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ or as the length increasedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Without this, you may not pass this section. [AR22]Didnt you control them? [AR23]Include units for resistance here. Cut and paste this one: ÃŽÂ © [AR24]Wheres your conclusion? [AR25]This is decent. Probably a C. Remember to suggest what can be explored from here eg. A modified hypothesis. [AR26]Did you not do this? [AR27]Good. [AR28]Put this near the relevant section [AR29].Bibliography. Your list and formatting is sufficient for a B. Summary: Ryan, you can improve your grade with the following: Remove plagiarism. Rewrite in your own words. Include more diagrams in the introduction. Explain what youre doing more thoroughly in the preliminary calculations. Reword your hypothesis more accurately. Finish your method. Add graphs to your results section. Analyse and discuss trends in your discussion/conclusion. Include a conclusion that links to the hypothesis. Plus anything else Ive missed up there. Without knowing how much youve cut and pasted from other sources its impossible to tell a grade, but Im estimating between a C and a D. Its possible to improve what you have here up to about a B. Godspeed.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Individual And Society :: essays research papers fc

In this paper I will try to explain the puzzle of whether individuals are products of society or society is a product of individuals. I believe that in general, and in the beginning, the answer to this question, is that society is a human product. I will start by presenting early man, the hunter and gatherer as an early form of society, but lacking critical qualities of a society. Then I will continue to support my theory by analyzing the beginning of known society some three and one half thousands years ago. I will present the individual as creation of society, or more precisely, an ongoing social recursive conditioning. I will also present society as creation of individuals. Finally, I will conclude my paper with some thoughts on the paradox of who is the product and who is the producer of the individual and society. EARLY MAN According to Charles Darwin, man developed from the ape. Darwin’s theory of evolution appears to be unsupported though, because for thousands of years these apes have been there, but none of them have developed into human beings nor did Darwin ever find the missing link. Although unproved, there must be a process of evolution. And if there was evolutionary process, a few of the steps in-between still must be missing. Since man is not asexual, man did not, and could not, survive or prosper by himself. Early man grouped together with other hunters and gathers to form a family which brought order, direction, and stability to his life. According to Rousseau, â€Å"the earliest and only natural societies are families (Primis 192).† The point here is that the individuals choose to become a part of something larger than the individual. But if Rousseau is correct, there was a time when the individual gave up certain freedoms to find security within a group. This is contra to Thomas Hobbes view. It was not until significant scientific advances in the nineteenth century that the view of this seventeenth century philosopher Hobbes has his views rejected. Hobbes stated that the life of early man was solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short. Hobbes thought that early man was scarcely even human and a club-wielding savage. At either rate, early man lacked the qualities that were considered by John Locke as necessary to begin a society even though it is believed that groups and families existed. Society as Product of Individuals

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Positive Impact of Woman Labor in Economic Growth Essay

Labor – one of the factors of production and serves as the source of competitive advantage of various countries in attracting foreign investors. Alongside with labor is the concept of productivity which is the largest single component of economic growth especially for those labor intensive countries. Therefore, government of various countries around the globe a lot enough focus on maintaining the equilibrium condition of their labor market in order to achieve impressive economic growth. But with the advent of globalization, the demand for laborers extended up to such point wherein the labor market has to accommodate woman on the pool of labor. But why is that so? Are there any benefits that can be derived from hiring a woman on a certain business firm? This paper aims to identify the effects of woman’s entrance to labor pool to economic growth as well as the factor/s that contributed in order for such event to occur in the labor market. Relationship of Woman Labor and Economic Growth   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Gender bias in labor force is a large factor to some of the countries especially in the Middle East wherein the labor pool is still being dominated by men and discrimination and injustices to women is very much accepted into their society. But there are still those liberal countries that welcome the entrance of women to labor force. Like for instance in UK, women serve as one of the source of higher productivity and economic growth (Walby, 2002). For the past decades, UK is relatively stable in terms of market success due to the improvement of the skills of their labor force and women made a significant contribution for the attainment of such impressive productivity and high performance. The characteristics of women like being keen to details and always want to take their time in order to attain the highest possible quality improved the efficiency and effectiveness of UK’s labor force.   Furthermore, though women are physically weak as compared to men, they are more productive when it comes to making planning and strategies on how to solve various problems concerning the welfare of the company or a business firms. This distinct characteristic of women serves as an avenue towards the improvement of the entire labor pool of UK for the past years. Moreover, it was identified that deficit in the labor force in the UK market provided a room for the market system to accept the entrance of women into the labor force despite of the fact that women have fewer educational qualifications than men; but this draw back on women was already settled by the present young women. Women nowadays compete at par with men in terms of attaining higher positions in the corporate world as they start to attain higher academic degrees. With this increase on productivity of labor force in UK industries started to generate more income and becomes more profitable. Moreover, domestic production is deemed to boost by the time skilled women entered the labor force of UK. In this regard, it is clear that the entry of women to labor force did provide positive impacts on the economic growth of the country. This insight do not suggest that men are already less efficient as compared to women, the point is, with the entry of women in the labor pool, the efficiency and effectiveness of men is further improved by the women. But with regards to physical productivity, still, men are still the one who dominates in the said area. Moreover, with the entrance of women in the labor force, flexibility of the labor pool improves since there were some tasks that only women can perform or requires the experiences of a woman. As a result, the productivity of the labor forces increase and so with the entire economy. At the end of the day, the entrance of women to labor force increases the volume of domestic production as more laborers can now be hired by domestic and foreign firms; as well as the improvement on the quality of the products being produced in the economy due to the innate characteristics of women like their keen attention to details provides lesser rooms for mistakes or errors. Moreover, those increases in the domestic production and higher quality of products will make the GDP of the country to increase which in return will improve the economic and social welfare of every laborers in the market. References Walby, S. (2002). The Impact of Women’s Position in the Labor Market on Pay and Implications for UK Productivity. Retrieved March 28, 2008, from

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Nicole McLean RN Understanding Preeclampsia Drexel University Understanding Preeclampsia Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy. â€Å"Preeclampsia complicates 3-5% of all pregnancies and continues to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality for both mother and infant† (Pettit & Brown, 2012, p. 6). The exact cause of preeclampsia is unknown. It is usually diagnosed after 20 weeks gestation. A diagnosis is made by elevated blood pressures and with or without proteinuria. The treatment of this disorder is geared towards management of symptoms, preventing seizures and controlling hypertension.I chose this topic because I am a labor and delivery nurse and find this to be a popular disorder of pregnancy. This disorder is very common among the nulliparity (first pregnancy) population. â€Å"Although the exact cause of preeclampsia remains unknown, much research effort has been exerted on the study of pathophysiological mechanisms† (Townsend & Drummond, 2011, p. 245). Pettit & Brown (2012) found that the placenta and the re-modeling of the uterine arteries is a factor in preeclamptic disease.Preeclampsia is usually diagnosed on a routine pre-natal visit during blood pressure checks and urine dips. Urine dips show the presence of protein in the urine. According to ACOG (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) the criteria for diagnosing preeclampsia is a systolic blood pressure > 140mmHg or diastolic blood pressure > 90mmHg that occurs after 20 weeks gestation in a woman with previously normal blood pressure. Also, the presence of proteinuria, which is the urinary excretion of 0. g of protein or higher in a 24 – hour urine specimen (ACOG bulletin 33, 2002, p. 160). The goal of treatment is aimed towards preventing seizures and blood pressure management. â€Å"The long held principle that delivery is the only cure for preeclampsia prevails† (Townsend & Drummond, 2011, p. 299). â€Å"Thus, interventions are curre ntly designed to either deliver the fetus or make sure the mother and fetus are safe to continue the pregnancy while allowing time for fetal lung maturity to occur† (Townsend & Drummond, 2011,p. 299).In my institution, Magnesium sulfate is the gold standard of care for preeclamptic patients. We use this drug to prevent seizures and anti-hypertensives to control blood pressure. Close monitoring of these patients is crucial. Our hospital protocol involves monitoring maternal well being, which includes blood pressure checks hourly, monitoring of liver and kidney function, and obtaining daily weights at the same time each day for evaluation of tissue fluid retention. We also monitor fetal well-being by continuously monitoring the fetal heart rate with an external fetal monitor.It is important to encourage these patients to maintain a nutritious diet with moderate protein intake to compensate for the protein that may be lost in the urine. In conclusion, the most common medical comp lication of pregnancy is hypertension. The main goal is to keep the mother pregnant for as long as possible. Both the mother and baby will be closely monitored, and if the mother is term or if the baby is in distress the doctor may decide to induce labor or perform a cesarean – section.The most important thing is maternal and fetal well being. References American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) Committee on Obstetric Practice. ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 33: Diagnosis and Management of Preeclampsia and Eclampsia. 99(1): 159 -167, January 2002. Pettit, F. , & Brown, M. A. (2012). The management of pre-eclampsia: What we think we know. European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology, 160(1), 6. doi:10. 1016/j. ejogrb. 2011. 09. 049 Townsend, N. S. , & Drummond, S.B. (2011). Preeclampsia: Pathophysiology and implications for care. The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing, 25(3), 245. Intellectual Honesty Certification I certify that this assignment is presented as entirely my own intellectual work. Any words and/or ideas from other sources (e. g. printed publications, Internet sites, electronic media, other individuals, groups, or organizations) have been  properly indicated using the appropriate scholarly citation style required by the department or College.I have not submitted this assignment in its entirety to satisfy the requirements of any other course. Any parts of this assignment from other courses have been discussed thoroughly with the faculty member before this submission so that there is an understanding that I have used some of this work in a prior assignment. Student’s Signature_Nicole McLean Course Submitted_Nursing 324: Online Tools for Success Term Fall 2012 Date   November 25, 2012